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Book Your Isle of Man TT and MGP 2025 - Search Our Available Accommodation
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Isle of Man Manx Grand Prix (MGP) 2024 Dates

Sun 18 Aug Qualifying
Mon 19 Aug Qualifying
Tue 20 Aug Qualifying
Wed 21 Aug Qualifying
Thu 22 Aug Qualifying
Fri 23 Aug


Lightweight Manx Grand Prix – 3 laps

Classic Senior Manx Grand Prix – 4 laps

Sat 24 Aug

Warm-Up Lap

Classic Junior Manx Grand Prix – 3 laps

Junior Manx Grand Prix – 4 laps

Mon 26 Aug

Bank Holiday

Warm-Up Lap

Senior Manx Grand Prix – 4 laps

Classic Superbike Manx Grand Prix – 4 laps

*Provisional schedule, subject to consultation and road closure approval by the Department for Infrastructure, in accordance with the Road Races Act 2016. Specific timings will be announced in due course.

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Isle of Man Manx Grand Prix Bookings